martes, 18 de mayo de 2010

The raindrop

Adapted translation by Clara Miguel PĂ©rez

A very thick and dark cloud covered the whole sky of the city.

All the people started to rush.

Some said: “We will get wet!”

Others whined: “We forgot to take an umbrella!”

Suddenly, a bolt of lightning illuminated everything in the city: the streets, the trees, the buses…

And after the lightning came a loud thunder

Everybody thought it was going to rain hard.

However… only four raindrops fell.


One, two, three and four!

The first raindrop fell on a stray dog’s ear.

He was dirty and he had no name, because he had no owner.

And he was happy like that, because he didn’t have to get washed.

When the dog felt the raindrop on his ear, he ju

mped and barked.

–That silly raindrop doesn’t know how much I hate getting a wash! – he whined

with his bark.

Then he looked at the cloud with an angry face and shook his head from side

to side.

Left- right! Left - right!

The raindrop disappeared.

The second raindrop fell on the top of a tree.

It was a high tree with big green shiny leaves.

The raindrop stopped in the middle of a leave.

–What a beautiful tree! – she said.

The wind started to blow and she had an idea. She

slipped down the smooth leave. And then she fell on the leave below and slipped again… It was like going do

wn a big slide!

–How fun! – she shouted happily.

The raindrop was so delighted that she didn’t noti

ce she was leaving a little trail of water behind her. And her body was becoming smaller and smaller.

–What…! – s

he started to say.

But she couldn’t s ay anything else, because she had just vanished

The third raindrop fell in Mr. Basilio’s left eye. Mr. Basilio was the greengrocer.

A speck of dust had settled in his eye in the morning and his eye was as red as his tomatoes.

When Basilio heard the thunder he got out of

his shop and looked at the sky.

Suddenly… the raindrop fell right on his eye!

Basilio closed his eye immediately. And then he opened it. And he closed it again.

He was so happy that he jumped and shouted. The raindrop had removed the speck of du

st from his eye!

The fourth raindrop fell on a window.

She was a very curious raindrop, so she looked through the window. And she saw a room.

The room had a little bed and it was full of books and toys.

Suddenly, the door opened and a boy came into the room. He looked angry.

The boy leant out of the window and looked at the street.

There was a teardrop on his face.

The raindrop was surprised to see the teardrop, because she was a drop…just like her!

–Oh…! – she said –. The little boy is crying! Maybe he has a problem…kids have problems too.

And then she had an idea. She started to stream down the window, moving her little body from one side to the other.

The boy was surprised by her strange movements and looked at her.

–What is this raindrop doing? – he wondered.

The raindrop kept doing pirouettes.



But then he opened up his eyes and he noticed the raindrop

was leaving a little trail of water behind her.

And that little trail of water looked like a word.

So the boy started to read the word: S-M-I…


The boy dried his eyes and smiled.

He went to the shelf and took a book. And that book was called

The Raindrop.

The raindrop felt very happy. She tried to smile, but she had just become steam and she was rising in the blue sky, looking for the very thick and dark cloud that still covered the whole sky of the city.

Interactive house

Click on the picture to see how we use water at home and how we can save it! Use the dictionary when you find new words.

lunes, 3 de mayo de 2010

Drippy the raindrop

Click on the picture to read about "Drippy the raindrop"!
Did you like the story?

Water quiz

How did you do the last quiz?
Here goes another one!
Try to answer to these questions!

Water word search

Find the words! Do you know what they mean? Try to explain them! Remember that you can use your textbook, you can also ask your parents or ask it here.

viernes, 30 de abril de 2010


How much do you know about water? Click on the picture and check it!

Water's cycle

Just click on the picture to see an explanation of the water cycle.
Don't forget to write your opinion and to ask any question you have